Instead, the typical Internet user is an avid reader of books and spends more time engaged in social activities than the non-user, it says. And, television viewing is down among some Internet users by as much as five hours per week compared with Net abstainers, the study added.I like to read a lot, preferably books (can't stand reading things online), but I rarely have time to do it. I'm always working, so I don't have time to go out with friends. When I do hang out with people we usually go to the movies, or play video games. That's kind of geeky, but it's social, so I'm alright. I've been dubbed a TV otaku, but I really spend most of my time on the internet. I'll turn on the TV when I feel like being entertained without manipulating the controls too much (my hands start to cramp up from typing after awhile). The internet has cut into my TV time because there's not always something I want to watch.
The study also talks about how much people trust the information on the web.
I use the internet for a lot of information so I trust most of it. Many people who have information that they want to share make websites because it's easy to do. They may not have the most appealing design, but the websites are useful.
The credibility of information published on the Internet also received a surprising boost.
Despite the existence of countless spoof Web sites and message boards that carry oddball political rants, more than half of Internet users surveyed said "most or all" of the information they find online is reliable and credible.
The Chinese are the biggest internet socializers. I'm not surprised by this fact after reading blogs in English by Chinese.
The Chinese, meanwhile, are among the most active Net socializers. According to the study, Chinese Internet users say they rely on the medium to interact with others who share their political interests, hobbies and faith.
"It's more than in any other country and a significant figure for citizens of a nation in which religion is officially banned," the study said of Chinese users' willingness to discuss religion online with others.