Mr. William H. Gates, III - $2,000 to George W. BushAfter putting in a few zip codes you can see that many businesses (especially large ones) contribute to the Bush campaign or the RNC. They know who to support to get their tax cuts.
Honorable John Kerry - $25,000 to the Democratic National committee (DNC)
Mr. George HW Bush - $2,000 to George W. Bush
Barbara Streisand - $25,000 to DNC; $2,000 to Kerry; $1,000 to Edwards, Sharpton, Dean, Gephardt, Graham, and Clark
Albert A. Gore - $2,000 to Kerry; $1,000 to Dean
Mr. BooneC. Pickens - $25,000 to the Republican National Committee; $2,000 to Bush
Another feature of the site is a national map of what regions contribute to the Democrats and to the Republicans.
You can also see what Kerry and Bush spend on hotels and airlines. Truly U.S. campaigning requires some serious funds. Most of our presidents are rich white men from the East coast.