Thursday, November 25, 2004

Apple "Student" Blog

Apple has launched a Student Blog on their website in the education section. It's supposed to be "a new community site for students to hear from other students about their observations and Mac-related stuff," but so far it's off to a shaky start. First, Dave is not a student, so why is he blogging on the site for students to hear from students? His first two entries aren't very good; he'll probably get better, but that doesn't make him more a student and less an Apple employee. Hopefully real students will start blogging. Second, there's no permalinks, or maybe I just can't find them. It's powered by WordPress, so the permalinks feature is there, the student bloggers just need to turn it on. Third, the blog's to fold if they don't goose it up a bit, and I don't want that to happen. Don't they have creative interns?

via r-echos