If you're like me, you wait till the last minute to write papers and essays. I'll collect my resources early, but won't start taking notes and writing until it's almost too late. Actually writing something down's not always the hardest part. Writing bibliographies and works cited pages can be time consuming and confusing. Am recommends Citation Machine to help with the hassle of citing sources. It's easy to use and is a lifesaver when you're pulling an all-nighter.
If you have to do a ton of citations and haven't left them until the last minute, I recommend EndNote. I've never used the program myself but my mom recommended it to me, and I told a classmate about it and he said it really helped him. I'm a bad student and never had enough time to learn how to use it. I have the commercial version but anybody can download the trial version which works just as well. I plan on learning how to use this before my next big paper.